Absorb, (Verify), Adopt, Adapt.
My human cell map illustration MeCell now in the public domain
2 min read – My learning resource for students of the human cell available now for free in English, Spanish, Chinese and German.
The 100h clinical trial
7 min read – Even within hospitals and despite being health care experts themselves non-emergency doctors and nurses hand off patients who need CPR quickly to specialized teams to ensure best possible care. Time and expertise matter. We need Pharmaceutical Response and Preparedness Special Forces.
Conclusions Drug Development Explainer Series (6/6)
< 1 min read – Conclusions from the 4 core articles in this series on history, stakeholders, quality, and operations.
Alvea: Case Study of the fastest biotech to go to in-human trials (5/6 Drug Development Series)
4 min read – Core culture principles and activities that we believe enabled the team to achieve exceptional results.
Recommended Literature and Courses (4/6 Drug Development Series)
2 min read – The best additional literature and course resources on drug development we are aware of at this point.
Origins of the Drug Regulation Industry (3/6 Drug Development Series)
11 min read – One begins to wonder – why does drug development necessitate all this rigour, time, and money? Understanding drug development’s history might offer context.
The Blueprint of Drug Development (2/6 Drug Development Explainer Series)
15 min read – In this article we explore the phases of drug development and how stakeholders live up to Good Practices (GxP) which ensure pharmaceutical products’ quality, safety, and efficacy.
Stakeholders in Drug Development (1/6 Drug Development Explainer Series)
13 min read – This is the first piece of our six-part series that aims to provide a foundational understanding for those interested in drug development, beginning with the field’s stakeholders.
Drug Development Explainer Series
< 1 min read – A Comprehensive but Concise Introduction to the Drug Development Landscape and its Regulation. If you want to get up to speed in ~1h on how pharma works, this series is for you.
I ran two donation workshops to determine where to give €50k
4 min read – Picking the right charity can be overwhelming. In this post I argue that collaborating with others to determine a donation portfolio across different charity domains is an underrated activity.